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The Island of Kauai

Hawaii Jamie Friedman January 23, 2024

Get to know the Island of Kauai…  

Kauai is known as the "The Garden Isle". The island is the smallest, oldest and northernmost of the four major islands. The island is approximately 25 miles wide and 33 miles long encompassing 552 sq. miles.

Much of the island is tranquil, green, lush. As with most of the islands, Kauai also offers numerous climates from the arid west side to the tropical north shores.

Kauai is known for its magnificent scenery and lush vegetation, beautiful waterfalls, the spectacular Waimea Canyon, the great "hidden" valley of Kalalau, colorful tropical plants and flowers.

It has been said that the island boasts more beach per mile than any of the other major islands. And oh what amazing beaches they are!  You can almost drive down any Makai side road and land at sand (or a path to the sand).

The highest peak on the island is Kawaikini at 5,243 feet and the second highest, Mount Waialeake at 1,569 sq ft is known as one of the wettest spots on earth! This creates the most amazing waterfalls!

This treasured island is also the backdrop for television shows like Fantasy Island, & Gilligan’s Island plus numerous Hollywood films like Pirates of the Caribbean, Jurassic Park, The Descendants, Honeymoon in Vegas, and oldies but goodies like South Pacific and the Thorn Birds. 

Kauai is by far my favorite island in the Hawaiian chain.

Ready to buy, sell, or invest in real estate on Kauai?

Start your property search: https://onornearthebeach.com/home-search

Free property evaluation: https://onornearthebeach.com/home-valuation    


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